Mining Underground
Underground mines are dark places with scarce oxygen and extreme pressure and temperatures. Mining is a cornerstone of our modern life. Mined materials are needed for our modern life such as constructing roads and hospitals. We need metals to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites,etc. In 2022, manual labor will still prevail in the mining industry and robotics application is not heavily utilized yet. Ventilation systems underground are crucial to ensure safe working conditions for miners. They provide fresh air for workers, as well as clearing toxic fumes from blasting and exhaust from diesel machines. Limited air supply underground is a hazard of its own as fire hazards can
get out of control quickly leaving miners who are away from harm’s way with limited oxygen. Oinride Oy robotics solutions are ideal for helping with automation tasks underground to minimize safety risks for miners and increase productivity. The goal is to keep our miners from harm’s way.